Mortgage Application Checklist
It can be a challenge to find the right mortgage. Especially the first time. But not to worry, we’ve done this before—many times. Our loan managers are committed to making the process as easy as possible. What’s more, all loan decisions are made locally, by managers who know the area, because they live here, too.
We’re here to make this process easy.
To get started, we recommend you collect all of the following paperwork to make the application process go smoother and faster.
Personal Information:
- Full legal name, Social Security Number, birth date, phone number, last two years’ addresses, photo ID
Income Verification and Documentation:
- Name, addresses and phone numbers for all employers over the last two years
- W-2s for the past two years
- Pay stubs covering the past 30 days
Self-Employed, Landlords, Commissioned Borrowers, Business Owners Holding 25% or More Ownership:
- Federal tax returns (personal and business) for the past two years (signed and dated)
- Profit and loss statement—year to date, balance sheet and list of all business debts
- Current leases (landlords)
Retirement, Social Security, Disability, Other Compensation or Income:
- Award letter, if applicable and evidence of current receipt with continuance for at least three years from the date of application. (We are happy to help navigate through documentation requirements and answer questions!) A copy of the divorce decree or separation agreement if receiving (or obligated to pay) alimony, child support or separate maintenance is needed only if the alimony, child support or separate maintenance is being used to qualify for the mortgage.
Deposit/Asset Verification:
- Bank statements, most recent two months (all pages)
- Retirement and investment statements, most recent quarter (all pages)
- Credit explanation letter for late payments, collections, judgments or other derogatory items in credit history
- Bankruptcy/discharge papers for any bankruptcies in credit history
- Check your Experian® credit report with CBNA Credit CompanionSM to review your credit score, inquiries, open lines of credit, and more.
Purchase Loans:
- Purchase and sale agreement along with all addenda, signed by all parties
Refinance Loans or Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit:
- Copy of deed, most recent paid tax receipts and homeowner’s insurance binder, current mortgage statement
Construction Loans:
- Construction contract/estimates signed by all parties, draw schedule, survey cost estimate indicating location of the home, receipts for payments and deposits you have made thus far