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Published November 29, 2023

Should You Buy or Lease Your Office Space?

Your business is booming, and you've outgrown your space. As you aspire to the next level, you consider whether it makes sense to purchase the space or continue to lease it. You like the idea of ownership because it says something about you and your business—that you've arrived. But have you really? What if there's more to come? Is it wise to get locked into a location if your business continues to grow?

That's just one consideration when deciding whether to buy or lease office or plant space. There are many more, requiring thoughtful deliberations over the benefits and costs of each option.

Buying vs. Leasing Office Space

When you buy office space, you put up capital or take out a mortgage (or both) to acquire a property. Since you own the property, you are responsible for the costs and risks of maintenance, taxes, and depreciation. If you lease a property, you pay a monthly rent to a landlord. The landlord bears the costs and risks of property ownership.

Both options have many pros and cons to weigh based on your specific circumstances and business goals.

Leasing a Property


  • Flexibility: Leasing offers greater flexibility as you can easily move to a different location or upgrade to a larger space when your business needs change.
  • Lower upfront costs: Leasing typically requires a lower upfront investment than buying, as you don't need to make a down payment or cover the entire cost of the property.
  • Maintenance and repairs: Generally, the responsibility for maintenance and repairs falls on the landlord, relieving you of these burdens.
  • Tax benefits: Lease payments are usually fully deductible as a business expense, providing potential tax advantages.
  • Short-term commitment: If you're uncertain about the long-term viability of your business in a particular location, leasing allows you to commit to a shorter-term lease and adapt more quickly.


  • Higher long-term costs: Though the upfront costs of leasing can be lower, the long-term costs can be higher than buying due to increasing rents, fewer tax benefits, and no equity buildup.
  • Less control: There are fewer options for space design or expansion. The landlord controls lease terms.

Buying a Property


  • Equity and appreciation: Owning office space can build equity over time, and if the property appreciates, it can be a valuable asset. This is particularly relevant in areas with strong real estate markets.
  • Control: You have complete control over the property, allowing you to make alterations and improvements without landlord approval.
  • Stability: Ownership provides long-term stability and eliminates the risk of rent increases or lease terminations.
  • Tax benefits: While leasing has tax advantages, owning may offer different tax benefits, such as mortgage interest deductions.
  • Asset for financing: Owning property can serve as collateral for loans, making securing financing for your business easier.


  • Higher initial costs: Upfront costs include a down payment, financing, space build-out, maintenance, and property taxes.
  • Limited flexibility: If your business needs change, requiring expansion or downsizing, you have less flexibility.
  • Increased risks: More exposure to market risk and the legal and financial aspects of ownership.

Key Factors to Consider

Ultimately, the decision to buy or lease property for business purposes should be made after careful analysis and consideration of your unique circumstances based on several key factors:

  • Financial situation: Evaluate your current financial position, including available capital and borrowing capacity. Buying typically requires a substantial upfront investment.
  • Business growth: Consider your business's growth prospects. If you expect rapid growth or need to downsize, leasing may be more suitable.
  • Location: Location is crucial. Buying in a strategic location can be a smart long-term investment, but it may also tie you down to one place.
  • Market conditions: Assess the local real estate market, including property values, rental rates, and availability. This can influence the cost-effectiveness of buying vs. leasing.
  • Exit strategy: Think about your long-term plans. Are you willing to manage property, or do you prefer a more hands-off approach?
  • Legal and tax considerations: Consult with legal and financial advisors to understand your decision's legal and tax implications.

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